Auth+ Case Study

Auth+ Case Study

How Auth+ helps Usman Institute of Technology (UIT) uphold academic integrity.

Instructor Feedback

Instructors who use AuthPlus report an 8 fold increase in confidence

Instructors rated their confidence in student authorship via their existing solution


Instructors rated their confidence in student authorship via AuthPlus. 

"Very positive feedback from good students! A pedagogical benefit is that it makes students think about what they have submitted. I use it as a regular part of my assessment procedure."
40 Year old man looking into camera with suit.
Dr. Shoaib Zaidi
Associate Professor/Head of Academic Programs, UIT

Student Feedback

Enhancing student experience for students is front and center of Auth+. It's designed to be quick, easy and effective.

Quick: 70% of the students found the testing process short and concise.
Quickness 70%
Easy : 100% of the students were able to complete the test without any special training
Easiness 100%
Effective: 85% of the students said Auth+ was beneficial to their learning experience.
Effectiveness 85%
It was a great way to check whether you are the author or not. It can also make you realize how much effort you put on the work.
Usman Saeed
Undergraduate Student
Well it was quiet surprising for me because I did not expect it to judge my work if its actually been done by me, I enjoyed doing it because it was different from all other assignments we get, and no preparation is needed if you have actually done your assignment by yourself.
Hamza Khalid
Undergraduate Student
Trust me, if I had copied that assignment from somewhere else or got it done by someone else, than there was no chance that I could have answered these questions! I would definitely encourage this idea of cross checking of originality. The best part is that it hardly took me a minute or two completing this.
Undergraduate Stuent

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